Welcome to Ecomagic!


Welcome to Ecomagic. This is a website designed to help kids discover more about the animals and environments around them! At Ecomagic you can discover:

  • Interesting facts about Mammals, Birds, Reptiles & Amphibians, Fish, and Invertebrates.
  • Learn about animal's life cycles, habitat, behavior, Food and feeding, key features, and their statistics.
  • Amazing photographs of animals in their natural habitats.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Helping the Earth - Ozone Layer


Here you can learn about the earth's ozone layer, and how it is going away.

Facts about the Ozone Layer:

The Ozone layer is gas around the earth that protect living things from harmful radiation.
Man-made chemicals eat away at the Ozone and make it dangerous.

How the Earth is Trying to Help Recover it:

First, the U.S.A and European countries have helped by not putting CFC (chlorofluorocarbons) chemicals that eat away at the Ozone Layer, in aerosols. And today, All use of CFC is banned in Europe and North America. We have come up with alternative ways other then CFC, we now use HCFC (hydrochlorofluorocarbons).


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